Conference Chair

Leonid Kulyuk, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Co-chair of the Conference

Sergiu Vatavu, Faculty of Physics and Engineering, MSU, Moldova

Programme Committee Chair

Ernest Arushanov, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Secretary of the Conference

Nikita Siminel, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Organizer of the co-located COST Action CA2114 SuperQuMap Meeting

Vladimir M. Fomin, IFW Dresden, Germany and MSU, Moldova



Section: Condensed matter theory (CMT)

Mihai Macovei – Section Chair, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Denis Nika, E. Pokatilov Laboratory of Physics and Engineering of Nanostructures, MSU,Moldova

Section: Growth and Properties of Advanced Materials (GPAM)

Vladimir Tsurkan – Section Chair, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova; Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg, Germany

Alexandr Nateprov, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Section: Design and Structural Characterization of Materials (DSCM)

Victor Kravtsov – Section Chair, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Svetlana Baca, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Section: Solid State Nanophysics and Nanotehnology (SSNN)

Veacheslav Ursachi — Section Chair, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova

Alexandr Cocemasov, E. Pokatilov Laboratory of Physics and Engineering of Nanostructures, MSU, Moldova

Section: Electromagnetic radiation detection and conversion (EMDC)

Marin Rusu – Section Chair, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie; Department of Applied Physics and Computer Science, MSU, Moldova

Elena Achimova, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Section: Materials engineering for Innovative and Sustainable Technologies (MEST)

Tsyntsaru Natalia – Section Chair, Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Oleg Șapoval, Physics of Semiconductors and Devices Laboratory, MSU, Moldova

COST Action CA2114 SuperQuMap Meeting “Emerging Quantum Materials Based on Superconducting Nanostructures”

Vladimir M. Fomin – Chair, IFW Dresden, Germany and MSU, Moldova

Management Committee of the COST Action SuperQuMap



Chair of the International Advisory Committee

Vladimir Fomin, IFW Dresden, Germany, and MSU, Moldova

Henrikas Cesiulis, Vilnius University, Lithuania

Veaceslav Coropceanu, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arisona, USA

Silvio Decurtins, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern, Switzerland

Chris S. Ferekides, University of South Florida, USA

Christoph H. Keitel, Max Plank Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany

Erkki Lähderanta, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Janusz Lipkowski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland

Mihael. Zaworotko, University of Limerick, Ireland

Dimitris Pavlidis, Florida International University, USA

Susan Schorr, Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany

Jordi Sort, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Ion Tiginyanu, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova

Wojciech Knap, CENTERA Laboratories, Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Victor Șontea, Technical University Of Moldova



Chair of the Organizing Committee

Sergiu Vatavu, Faculty of Physics and Engineering, MSU, Moldova

Institute of Applied Physics, MSU, Moldova

Olga Shikimaka

Alexei Meshalkin

Dorina Croitori

Marianna Roman

Nicolai Curmei

Oleg Reu

Serghei Ostrovsky

Natalia Kazak

Anatolii Siminel

Alexandru Micu

Valentin Batîr

Anatolii Cuharuc

Faculty of Physics and Engineering, MSU, Moldova

Liliana Dmitroglo

Natalia Nedeoglo

Vadim Sirkeli

Arcadi Chirița

Dorin Spoială

Igor Narolschi

Gheorghe Ghilețchii

Varzari Alexandru

Vlad Moisei

Ludmila Leca

Irina Maistruc

Elena Bercu

Eugen Spinei

Alisa Moșneaga

Elmira Vatavu

Scientific association “Materials Science and Engineering”

Irina Filippova

Nina Iuzva