Dohotaru Science Foundation Awards
London-based “Dohotaru Science Foundation” aims to support scientific and educational projects focused on the public good.
The foundation provides prizes and awards at research institutions, as well as support for gifted children and young scientists. Grigore Dohotaru was a prominent physicist whose research on muon capture in nuclei significantly advanced our understanding of fundamental particle interactions. He worked at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Science of Moldova and at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna.
Based on the proposals of the Session Chairs and review scores, the Conference Committee will decide on granting 7 awards to Young Scientists:
Three Excellent Oral Presentation Awards: € 200 each
Four Excellent Poster Awards: €100 each
Eligibility for Excellent Oral and Poster Presentation Award. The presenter must:
- a Young Scientist (40 years old or younger) at the abstract submission deadline (August 1st, 2024).
- be the presenter and the first author on the paper.
All the awards will be distributed during the conference dinner on Thursday, 3rd October.